Triple quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (Agilent Technologies, US)
Webpage of Agilent Technologies: https://www.agilent.com/
Webpage of Agilent 8800 brochure: https://www.agilent.com/cs/library/brochures/5991-0079EN_8800_ICPQQQ_Brochure.pdf
The Agilent 8800 is a triple quadrupole ICP-MS with two quadrupole mass filters, separated by a quadrupole, acting as a collision/reaction cell. The target ions from the analyte are selected by the first Q1 and pass to the CRC, where ions are separated from overlapping interfering ions. Q2 then filters the resulting ions for the detector. The instrument today is mainly coupled to the Laser NWR213 and being used for the elemental analysis of solid samples.
Infrastructure of the Chair of Geology and Economic Geology
Chair of Geology and Economic Geology
Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry
Multi-Quadrupole ICP-MS, Multi-Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (PerkinElmer, USA)
The PerkinElmer NexION® 5000 is a multi-quadrupole ICP-MS and is the first of its kind to boast four quadrupoles, which aid with meeting lower detection limits and background equivalent concentrations. The instrument is currently being used for measurements of elements with difficult isobaric interferences (e.g. Ga, Ge) where the use of tandem mass spectrometry is critical. It is also used for measurement of technology critical elements in environmental samples, where excellent detection limits are a distinct advantage.
The instrument is run within a strong collaboration with:
- PerkinElmer https://www.perkinelmer.com
- Solutions 4 Science https://www.s4science.at
- Service 4 Science https://www.service4science.at
ICP-CRC-MS, Inductively coupled plasma collision/reaction cell mass spectrometer (PerkinElmer, USA)
The PerkinElmer NexION 2000B is an ICP-CRC-MS with three gas channels for KED/DRC mode. The instrument is equipped with a triple cone interface with a Quadrupole Ion Deflector (QID) which lets only ionized compounds enter the cell. Thereby, the cell is kept clean and requires no maintenance.
The instrument is run within a strong collaboration with:
- PerkinElmer https://www.perkinelmer.com
- Solutions 4 Science https://www.s4science.at
- Service 4 Science https://www.service4science.at
Multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (Nu Instruments Wrexham, UK)
Webpage: https://www.nu-ins.com/products/hr-mc-icp-ms/introductiontoicp-ms
The Nu Plasma HR is a multi-collector ICP-MS with a double focusing geometry equipped with 12 Faraday detectors and 3 ion counters situated at the low mass end of the collector.
Initially installed in 2006, the instrument is today being used above all for routine isotope ratio analysis (e.g. Sr, Pb), training purposes and experimental work.
Contact: johanna.irrgeher(at)unileoben.ac.at
Nu Sapphire
Multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer with collision cell
(Nu Instruments Wrexham, UK)
Webpage: https://www.nu-ins.com/products/hr-mc-icp-ms/sapphire
The Nu Sapphire is a novel type of multi-collector ICP mass spectrometer with a double focusing geometry equipped with collision cell for ultimate control of the spectral interferences, especially in the light part of the mass spectrum. The Nu Sapphire at MU Leoben is equipped with 16 Faraday cups and 3 ion counters at the low mass end of the multicollector, and state of the art 1013 amplifiers for isotope ratio measurements of target elements at ultra-low levels. Cetac Aridus 3 and ESI ApexΩ membrane desolvation units are available for sample introduction under dry plasma conditions to further increase the sample sensitivity and minimize the oxide formation rate. A laser ablation unit is available for in situ isotopic analysis of solid samples.
The Nu Sapphire was installed in April 2021, and is being used to develop new analytical protocols and to setup novel isotope proxies to answer questions in the area of environmental, geosciences and other fields. Routine analysis of Sr, Pb and other systems are also being carried out.

Multicollector thermal ionization mass spectrometer
The Nu TIMS is a multi-collector thermal ionization mass spectrometer with a single focusing geometry, which incorporated the zoom lens multi-collector technology of NU. The zoom lens technology allows flexible detection capabilities, when isotope systems can be switched within seconds. The Nu TIMS at MU Leoben is equipped with 16 Faraday cups and X ion counters at the low mass end of the multicollector. The Nu TIMS was installed in April 2021, and is used for isotope ratio measurements at ultimate precision, specifically in the field of characterization of new certified reference materials and radioisotope dating in geochronology applications. Availability of both TIMS and MC-ICP-MS high precision mass spectrometers at MU Leoben opens an additional dimension for the isotope research. Routine Sr isotopic analysis is also being carried out.
Automating Sample Purification
prepFAST-MCTM (Elemental Scientific, Omaha, USA)
Webpage: https://www.icpms.com/products/prepfast-MC
The prepFAST-MC is a low pressure chromatography system and enabled fully automated loading of the sample onto a separation column, washing and final collection for precise isotopic analysis. This device was purchased in 2021 as part of the “Impulsprogramm des Rektorats zur Anschaffung von F&E Infrastruktur an der Montanuniversität in Leoben” and is primarily used for the Sr/matrix separation prior to isotopic analysis.
With 5 Gamry Potentiostats Reference 600 and 1 IPS Jaissle high end potentiostat all basic and advanced electrochemical methods can be applied. Among these are OCP measurements, linear polarization resistance measurements, potentiostatic testing including hydrogen charging and electropolishing, polarization scans, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical noise measurements, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The group has a decade long experience in interpretation of tests and adapting the different methods to actual corrosion topics.
Sample Introduction
Aridus II and Aridus 3 (Teledyne CETAC, USA)
Apex Omega (Elemental Scientific, USA)
Webpage: https://www.icpms.com/products/apex-omega
The Aridus II, Aridus 3 and Apex Omega membrane desolvation modules are specialized liquid sample introduction systems for inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The modules simultaneously maximize analyte sensitivity and minimize solvent-based polyatomic interferences such as oxides and hydrides, thus increasing both accuracy and precision of ICP-MS determinations.
New wave Research Nd:YAG UV 213 nm solid state laser ablation system (ESI (Elemental Scientific Lasers), US)
The NWR 213 laser is a Nd:YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet) solid state laser from ESI’s New Wave Research Division. The laser is used in combination with ICP-MS for elemental analysis and MC ICP-MS for isotope ratio analysis of solid samples.
Infrastructure of the Chair of Geology and Economic Geology
Chair of Geology and Economic Geology
Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry